10 November 2011

NaNoWriMo Update

My parents have a new dining room table, and it has become my base of operations for my novel-writing.  There are other places around the house I use: the sofa, my favorite arm-chair in our office, our bed, the kitchen table.  But I think this is my favorite so far.  I can leave my mouse, mouse-pad, flash-drives, and computer power cable set up most of the day without having to clean them off for meals or because they are in somebody’s way.  Plus it’s in a little nook away from the other side of the house that is mostly used, and next to a window with an exquisite view.  I spent an enjoyable few hours here earlier today, listening to music and working on my novel.
Speaking of the novel… I’m making good progress.  After a steady few days, the busyness picked up and I got a little behind.  Plus I went through a phase of discouragement, as all writers go through now and then.  Feeling like it was no good, and not worth going on-with.  But after a break and some encouragement from my mother-in-law, I picked up and went on, and I am fairly happy with my progress.  This is a first draft, so it’s not going to be the greatest quality, but the main thing is I get the body down– the main body of the novel.  Then I can edit from there.  But this is just about writing, even if it’s not very good.  That’s actually a really good thing.
And so the story progresses and I haven’t hit too many snags yet.  The main obstacle has been my computer, actually.  I have Ubuntu, an operating system from Lynux on my computer instead of Windows.  It has worked really well thus far, but a few days ago we updated to the new Lynux 11.10, and after that my computer began locking up randomly.  So we took it off and tried an off-shoot of Lynux called Xubuntu, which my dad has on his computer and he really likes.  Unfortunately that system didn’t like my computer either, and I had the same problem.  So finally James re-installed the version of Ubuntu that came out before 11.10, and thus far, it seems to have fixed the problems.  Hopefully they’ll get the bugs worked out of 11.10, but in the meanwhile, I am happy to have my computer back!  It may just be my particular computer that didn’t like 11.10… but at all events, this works for now.

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