When the life you knew falls apart, it is easy to feel self-pity.
That’s been happening to me lately. I’ve been knocked down pretty hard, and it’s been hard for me to get back up. I’m a pretty resilient person, but. this has been difficult. My life has completely changed. We’re living in a new place. The people who I saw every day aren’t there now. Friendships have changed, shifted. Suddenly I am facing a void of loneliness. It took me ten years to learn how much richer relationships make my life. Now, people are everything to me. Relationships are more important than anything else. And it feels like mine are falling apart.
I don’t know how to get back up from that.
But life is never completely empty, and kingdom work always goes on. Always. The ways I am battling this is focusing outside of myself. There is writing to do, school to prepare for, husband and kiddo to work for, and new relationships to cultivate. I’ll be honest. It’s hard to cultivate new relationships when my heart is aching for the old. But looking outside of myself is the only thing that helps me out of this pit of self-pity that I have fallen into so much lately.
The circumstances are legitimately difficult. It’s not surprised that I struggle sometimes. But I don’t want to get stuck there. So I’m trying. I’m trying...