I can’t believe this little guy is 1!
The time went by so fast. It is amazing to see him grow and develop daily. He loves crawling everywhere and climbing on everything. He is almost walking. He is stubborn, and gets upset when he can’t get what he wants; but most of the time he is pretty happy. He loves being chased (especially by Dad!) and playing “peek-a-boo”. He can say a few words and babbles all the time. He eats a ton and is growing like a weed. Lately he has been sleeping well (9-10 hours at night with a nap in the afternoon.) He likes playing with his cousin Robert and with house-mate Sunder. He is a happy, healthy, mischievous, energetic, fun-loving youngster.
After praying for a child for four years and experiencing two losses, the verse God gave me when I became pregnant with David was, “sorrow may last for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” That has proven to be true, as David is a blessing and a joy, a true ray of sunshine in our lives. My prayer for him is that he will, like his Biblical namesake, “follow hard after God.” I pray he will love and serve God all his days. I could ask for no greater gift than that.
We love you so much, Davey. Happy birthday!